My Store

About Shipment @ Our Store

Hello My Visitors!
Sorry I have not been here for a while!  Too Busy and with Computer Issues!
But, I am Back!!!  Hope everyone is doing fine, and keep coming to visit!

We need Love today too! Come and visit and go to our Etsy's Store, Blog, Twitter and Google Account please! Like Us, Favorite Us, Share Our Links, Enjoy, Have Fun, and Shop with Us! Every Day Can Be A Valentine's Day! Come!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Never Underestimate Handmade Items or Jewelry, U do not know the power and impact they can have by making you Unique when wearing one of the kind items, made with Love and Care Just 4 U!

Visit My Facebook Page too and Like it! Follow Me on My twitter and Google' Account! Favorite My Etsy's Store and Shop with Me!
Links Here On My Blog!
Have Fun!

Vengan y visitennos! Rebaja y Cupones para usar este mes! Aceptamos Moner Orders tambien.  Necesitamos Cariño y Negocio hoy! Gracias!

Come and Visit! Great Sale and Coupons to use! We accept Money Orders too!  We need some Love and Business today! Thank you!

Monday, February 2, 2015

Enjoy your day!
Leave the drama for the Soap Operas!
Goce su dia!
Deje la drama para las Telenovelas!

This message is for my Etsy' Stores Owners' followers:

I would like to apologize if sometimes I do not get a chance to Favorite your Etsy's Store or page and items after a long day of views at my store.  

Please if you do not mind, and you have Favorited my Etsy's Store, FB page and items, and I haven't been able to get to yours, please send me a message on Etsy, FB or even here with a comment, with your link, and I will Surely get to you and return the favor. Thank you.

This is the Best Month To Show Love and Support to One Another!

Do you like it?  Unique Bracelet! Great Gift!

Not waiting in lines, No dealing with upset cashiers! Here it is: Easy Shopping for Unique Items For A Unique U!

What else Do you want? Come and Enjoy shopping with Us!

Always remember this, we get so caught working, being on the cell, internet or talking no-senses with other people, that we do not appreciate the people whom really care and want to be our real friends, even if they are far away, and we do not even write a line to them to see how they are doing....Do not be like that! Make the Difference, Be Different, we can even save a life with a word of encourage or a simple "Hello! I am here for you, and I care". Think about that Please!